Jeremiah Ware

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Web Application Developer with experience leveraging Agile, Test Driven Development, DevOps and CI/CD to manage enterprise web applications in the cloud.


  • RESTful APIs
  • Microservices
  • DNS
  • Firewalls
  • Load Balancing
  • SaaS/PaaS/IaaS
Languages, Operating Systems & Tools
  • PHP
  • dotnet
  • Javascript
  • mysql
  • msSQL
  • git
  • linux
  • bash
Platform Development & Administration
  • Atlassian
  • Bitbucket
  • MySQL
  • Wordpress
  • Linux
  • Apache
Containers & Cloud


Web Application Lead / Senior Developer

Suited Connector -- Denver, CO

Guide the development of all internal web portal applications utilizing a GraphQl API. Helped engineer and launch a real estate lead generation Web/Mobile application built with C#/.NET REST Apis and backend services. Maintain PHP/MySQL code bases developed in Laravel/Lumen and deployed to an Amazon Web Services (AWS) infrastructure, which provides several microservice styled REST apis, React based web portals, third party API integrations and other internal processing systems. Helped onboard and worked closely with the frontend development team which is responsible for building and maintaining 100+ static landing pages that are compiled using a GULP/NodeJs static page generator.

November 2017 - Present

Director of Application Development

PIVT Health -- Mesa, AZ

Provided development direction and core product engineering to rebuild and rebrand a Health and Wellness Web Portal that utilized electronic health records, biometric data points and health risk surveys to engage members, improve member health through monitoring critical lab panel alerts, targeted risk score assessments, contoured health resources and educational materials. Development included modernizing the portal by migrating frontend code to BootStrap Framework while migrating infrastructure and backend source code to a scalable, microservice driven platform in Amazon Web Services (AWS).

May 2017 - October 2017

Senior Application Developer

TrendShift LLC -- Mesa, AZ

As the lead in a cross-functional Agile team, facilitated the design and development of an enterprise Medical Data Analytics Platform purposed for clients requiring insight and actionable intelligence on their medical and pharmacy claims data. Developed from PHP’s Zend Frameworks 1, 2 and MySQL, I crafted REST API’s, adhering to Level 3 of the Richardson Maturity Model, which delivered data to a dashboard and report driven web portal.

August 2012 - May 2017

Senior PHP Developer

Sanctus Studio LLC -- Mesa, AZ

Developed web applications that communicated with a variety of 3rd party web service API's and social networks. Using Kohana PHP Framework, I built a cloud based social networking web application catered to SEO professionals that was developed with Amazon Web Services and other web API's including Facebook Social Graph, Twitter, LinkedIn, Tumblr, Digg, Pinterest, WordPress,, Mailchimp, Aweber and InfusionSoft.

April 2010 - August 2012

Linux System Administrator / PHP Developer

Responsive Data -- Mesa, AZ

Developed web applications that communicated with a variety of 3rd party web service API's and social networks. Using Kohana PHP Framework, I built a cloud based social networking web application catered to SEO professionals that was developed with Amazon Web Services and other web API's including Facebook Social Graph, Twitter, LinkedIn, Tumblr, Digg, Pinterest, WordPress,, Mailchimp, Aweber and InfusionSoft.

April 2008 - April 2010

Lead PHP Developer

21st Century Learning -- Phoenix, AZ

Developed a lead management system to allow sales agents to manage leads, calls, opportunities, and sales.

November 2007 - April 2008

Lead PHP Developer

944 Magazine -- Scottsdale, AZ

Maintained and developed numerous websites, public and internal portals with PHP/MySQL.

November 2005 - November 2007

Lead PHP Developer

Money Shark -- Scottsdale AZ

Maintained and developed a PHP/MySQL driven, mortgage loan search engine that matched a leads inputs to over 2 million loan scenarios.

March 2005 - November 2005


A collection of projects authored by Jeremiah.


A collection of articles, presentations or talks, most likely on Web Development with PHP and Unit Testing.


Hanover College

Bachelor of Arts (Pending)
Computer Science
1997 - 2001
Nifty tech tag lists from Wouter Beeftink